Dragon Ball is undeniably the most popular and impactful anime of all time. Created by AKira Toriyama, Dragon ball is often given the credit for making anime as an art form as popular globally as it is today. While by modern standards of anime Dragon Ball may be considered overly simplistic but believe it or not it has everything. For many it is a show about martial arts, for others its fantasy for others its all about unforgettable characters, some just love the power ups but a few of the fans also love the show for its sci-fi aspects. A battle between greatest warriors from different universes. Cmon it doesnt get anymore sci-fi than this.

The show definitely has some of the most intriguing sci-fi tech that scientists in the real world need to develop. So here is a list about all such tech.

1. Scouters


Even if you are not a dragonball z fan you have probably seen the It’s over 9000 meme. The first time we see scouters is when Goku;s brother Radits comes to Earth. This truly was a game changer both for the characters in the anime but also for the fans. This marked the beginning of the saiyan saga and in a way deparature from the regular story telling that existed before. THis was the first time the show showed a serious villain as opposed to the villains of the dragonball who were a bit on the goofier side. The Saiyans and in fact the entire frieza army used scouters to measure power levels of the fighthers. A device in the real world would really be awesome albeit not for measuring pwoerlevels but other things like intelligence. THe design of the scouters is also perfect for virtual reality headset.

2. Healing Chamber


This is one of the intriguing piece of sci -fi tech in dragon ball z universe. Everyone from Vegeta to Frieza and even Goku use healing tanks across different sagas to heal after a fight. Although Z fighers prefer senzu beans but the healing tank also has its uses. A healing chamber like this in the real world would greatly enhance the health of human beings.

3. Spaceships and space travel


Whehther its the space pods of Saiyans or Frieza’s spaceship they all seem a lot more advanced than the spaceships we have on earth. They are certainly more technologically advanced as in the show they facilitate easy travel across space. Imagine having your own space pod like the Saiyans! You could just hop into those and go to whichever planet you want.

4. Hoi Poi Capsules


Hoipoi capsules are tiny capsule sized gadgets that with a toss could transofm into anything even cars. They could also be used to store anything even water as we see in dragon ball. Capsule corp’s Hoi Poi capsules were developed by Bulma’s father Dr. Brief. Do you remember Jetsons’ briefcases where they could fold even cars inside small briefcases? Well the Hoi Poi capsules are certainly reminiscent of that. While it is highly improbbale that we will have something like that in real life mainly because of the current limits of nano technology but it certainly a great piece of technology to hope for.

5. Hover Pod


Frieza is often seen flying in a hover pod in his base form. WHile hover technology is growing in real world it doesnt seem to be close to what Frieza uses. With cars this may not be too useful because you don’t want a billion people flying in individual hover pods. However hover technology could be used in cars or public vehicles and it would be extremely useful and fun.

Honourable Mention

Senzu Beans - Biotech


The magical Senzu beans are used for quick healing of the body despite damages and injuries by the Z fighters. Korin’s Senzu beans are more magical agricultural products and not necessarily tech products. However, if they were to be developed in real life they could not be developed with traditional agriculture but biotech could certainly play a huge role in their development. If developed it would probably break all records in terms of popularity.